Generic Object¶



Requirements (on-premise)¶

GLPI Version

Minimum PHP






This plugin is available without a GLPI-Network subscription. It is also available in Cloud


This plugin allows you to add new inventory objects types, integrated into GLPI framework.

It supports following GLPI features:

  • entity and sub-entities management;

  • search;

  • templates;

  • history;

  • helpdesk integration;

  • CSV file injection plugin integration;

  • Item uninstallation plugin integration;

  • order management plugin integration.

Example of usage¶

Objective: Manage your car fleet like the rest of your IT Assets.

  • Create a new type of inventory object car.

  • Add the accurate fields for a car, like: name, serial number, inventory number, type, model, color, state, etc.

  • Describe the behaviour of a car: visible in subentity, retain history, etc.

  • Adjust the rights on cars.

  • Activate the cars object.

  • Manage your collection of cars in GLPI.

Install the Plugin¶

  • Uncompress the archive.

  • Move the genericobject directory to the <GLPI_ROOT>/plugins directory

  • Navigate to the Configuration > Plugins page

  • Install and activate the plugin


Create a new object type¶

This is the first step.

  • Click on the + button in the plugin configuration form.

  • Create the new type of inventory object:

    • name: mandatory, lowercase, and must be composed of letters only;

    • label: by default, the same as the name.

  • Validate.

  • Activate the new item type to use it.

Example: Create a new type of inventory object car.

Edit labels¶

For each type, a language file is available in <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/locales/itemtype/

The plugin creates :

  • a language file for the current language

  • a language file for the default GLPI language


If the current and default languages are the same, only one file is created.

To change the label of the itemtype, for the english language, edit the file:

// <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/locales/<itemtype>/<itemtype>.en_GB.php
$LANG['genericobject']['<itemtype>'][1] = "<type's label>";

You can also define labels globally in <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/locales/fields.<lang>.php files:

// <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/locales/<itemtype>/<itemtype>.en_GB.php
$LANG['genericobject']['fields']['<itemtype>'] = "<type's label>";

Setup behaviour¶

Example: Describe the behaviour of a car: visible in subentity, retain history, etc.

The new type will be managed the same way as the usual GLPI types (computer, monitor, network device, etc.)


All objects are at least assigned to an entity

The Behaviour tab allows you to define:

  • child-entities: allows the type to be recursive;

  • Helpdesk: allows an object to be associated to a ticket;

  • Trash: use GLPI’s trash functionnality;

  • Notes: use GLPI’s note functionnality;

  • History: allow history for this type;

  • Templates: allows template management;

  • Documents: allows documents to be attached to an object of this type;

  • Loans: allows objects to be loaned;

  • Contracts: link an object to one or more contracts;

  • Network connections: allow ports to be used and management for this type;

  • CSV file injection plugin: allows this type to be available for use in the plugin;

  • Item uninstallation plugin: allows this type to be uninstalled;

  • Order management plugin: allows this type to be linked to an order;

Add Fields¶

Example: Add the accurate fields for a car, like: name, serial number, inventory number, type, model, color, state, etc.

Navigate to the Fields tab.

The plugin comes with several ready to use fields:

  • Name

  • Type

  • Model

  • Serial number

  • Inventory number

  • Item’s user

  • Group

  • Status

  • Comments

  • Notes

  • Location

  • Other

  • Manufacturer

  • URL

  • Creation date

  • Expiration date

  • Category

  • Visible in Helpdesk

  • Technician in charge of the hardware

  • Domain

  • Contact

  • Contact number


Using some behaviour will automatically add some fields to the object:

  • network connection => location

  • loans => location

  • helpdesk => is visible in Helpdesk

  • notes => notepad

Helpdesk integration¶

To use an object in the helpdesk, use following setup:

  • In Behaviour tab : use helpdesk must be set to Yes.

  • if the User field is defined, it allows item to be visible in the My Items list (as item whose owner is the user).

  • if the Group field is defined, it allows item to be visible in the My Items list too (as item belonging to a group in which the user belongs to).

  • if Helpdesk visible field is set and if the value is set to No in the object, then the object won’t be visible at all in the helpdesk.

Add new fields¶


New fields will be available for all object’s types.

  • Create a new file named <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/fields/<type>.constant.php

For example, for a car type the constant file will be <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/fields/car.constant.php.

Please note that the file’s first line must be the following, otherwise the new fields won’t appear in the list:

global $GO_FIELDS, $LANG;
  • Add the new fields definitions.

Add a simple dropdown field¶

$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']["<type's name>"][2];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['field']      = 'color';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';


The language variable must be defined in the language file (see explaination above).

  • Add a dropdown field that is assigned to an entity:

$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['name']         = $LANG['genericobject']["<type's name>"][2];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['field']        = 'color';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['input_type']   = 'dropdown';
//Does the dropdown take care of entities ? (true/false)
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['entities_id']  = true;
//Can values be recursive ? (true/false, only taking in account if entities_id is set to true)
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['is_recursive'] = true;

Add a tree dropdown field¶

$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']["<type's name>"][2];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['field']      = 'color';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';
//Is it a tree-dropdown, or a simple one ? (true/false)
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_mytypecolors_id']['is_tree']    = true;


You can use at the same time the following parameters : entities_id, is_recursive, is_tree.

Add a dropdown field that is based on a GLPI-core object (user, location

$GO_FIELDS['users_id_passengers_id']['name']       = 'Passenger';
$GO_FIELDS['users_id_passengers_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';


Name between brackets ([]) MUST begin with users_id in order to be recognized as a field based on GLPI users” list.

See file <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/fields/field.constant.php to get a complete list of available fields.

Add a global dropdown¶

A global dropdown can be used in all itemtypes. A good example would be :

$GO_FIELDS['categories_id']['name']          = $LANG['common'][36];
$GO_FIELDS['categories_id']['input_type']    = 'dropdown';
$GO_FIELDS['categories_id']['dropdown_type'] = 'global';

A specific category table will be created for each itemtype. The table name and field name will the computed this way:

  • table : glpi_plugin_genericobject_<itemtypename>_category

  • field name : plugin_genericobject_<itemtype>categories_id

Add an integer field¶

$GO_FIELDS['testinteger']['name']       = 'testinteger';
$GO_FIELDS['testinteger']['input_type'] = 'integer';
$GO_FIELDS['testinteger']['min']        = 10; //not mandatory, by default 0
$GO_FIELDS['testinteger']['max']        = 40; //not mandatory, by default 100
$GO_FIELDS['testinteger']['step']       = 3; //not mandatory, by default 1

Add a text field¶

$GO_FIELDS['mytextfield']['name']       = 'My text field';
$GO_FIELDS['mytextfield']['input_type'] = 'text';

Cambiato nella versione 2.1.2: By adding the following argument, you can tell the plugin that this field can be automatically generated when using a template:

$GO_FIELDS['mytextfield']['autoname'] = true;

Add a Yes/No field¶

$GO_FIELDS['mybooleanfield']['name']       = 'My boolean field';
$GO_FIELDS['mybooleanfield']['input_type'] = 'bool';

Add a date field¶

$GO_FIELDS['creationdate']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['fields'][30];
$GO_FIELDS['creationdate']['input_type'] = 'date';

Add a date & time field¶

$GO_FIELDS['creationdate']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['fields'][30];
$GO_FIELDS['creationdate']['input_type'] = 'datetime';


If you don’t want a field to be modified using massive actions, add the following line to its definition:

$GO_FIELDS['myfield']['massiveaction'] = false;

Add global fields¶

To make your fields accessible to all itemtypes:

  • Create a file named <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/fields/field.constant.php

  • Put your definitions in this file.

Setup Rights¶

You can define access rights for each object’s type, for each profile. Available options are:

  • right on the type: no access, read, write.

  • right to associate this type of object to tickets: yes, no.

To associate the rights you can either:

  • Use the Rights tab in the itemtype form.

  • Navigate to Administration > Profiles and administer the rights for each profile.

Use the new field¶

Activate the new type, it’s now ready to be used.

The new type is available for users in the Plugins > Objects management menu.

Use case of Generic Object as a CMMS¶

Purpose of this documentation¶

Showing a complete usage of Generic Object as a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) in biomedical environment.

At the end of this use case, you will have :

  • a dedicated Biomed entity (under Root entity)

  • containing Biomedical objects (in Assets menu)

  • with built-in and user-defined fields

  • manages by users with Admin_biomed profile


Following steps assume you have a Super-Admin authorization :

  • Installing Generic Object on GLPI (validated with genericobject >= 0.85-1.0 and GLPI >= 0.90)

  • Generic Object configuration

  • GLPI configuration

  • Start using Generic Object and GLPI

Installing Generic Object on GLPI¶

See Install the Plugin section.

Generic Object configuration¶

Create your type of object¶

See Create a new object type section and use biomedical as internal identifier. Label will be set automatically to Biomedical (with an uppercase B).

After a logoff/login, you will see Biomedical menu in Assets.

Define Biomedical’s new fields¶

These fields will be usable only by Biomedical’s objects :

  • Create a new file named : <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/fields/biomedical.constant.php

  • Add following content :

global $GO_FIELDS, $LANG;

$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_cnehcodes_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][1];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_cnehcodes_id']['field']      = 'cnehcode';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_cnehcodes_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

//  REFORME (yes or no)
$GO_FIELDS['reformed']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][2];
$GO_FIELDS['reformed']['input_type'] = 'bool';

// CLASSE CE (3 choix possibles 1,2a ou 2b)
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_classeces_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][3];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_classeces_id']['field']      = 'classce';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_classeces_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

// UF (Unité Fonctionnelle)
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_ufs_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][4];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_ufs_id']['field']       = 'uf';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_ufs_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_prestataires_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][5];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_prestataires_id']['field']       = 'prestataire biomed';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_prestataires_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_typedequipementbiomeds_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][6];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_typedequipementbiomeds_id']['field']       = "type d 'equipement biomed";
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_typedequipementbiomeds_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

// Criticite
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_criticites_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][7];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_criticites_id']['field']      = 'criticite';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_criticites_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

// Numéro marquage CE
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_marquageces_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][8];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_marquageces_id']['field']      = 'marquagece';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_marquageces_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

// Classe Ă©lectrique
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_classeelecs_id']['name']       = $LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][9];
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_classeelecs_id']['field']      = 'classeelec';
$GO_FIELDS['plugin_genericobject_classeelecs_id']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';


Trailing s_id is mandatory in [plugin_genericobject_field*s_id*] because the GLPI framework requires foreign key fields to end with s_id. In database, glpi_plugin_genericobject_fields is table name and id, its foreign key. See GLPI developer documentation.

Define fields labels¶

See Edit labels section.

  • Edit your locales file, for example : <GLPI_ROOT>/files/_plugins/genericobject/locales/biomedical/biomedical.fr_FR.php

  • Add following content at the end of file :

// Fields
$LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][1]="Code CNEH";
$LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][3]="Classe CE";
$LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][5]="Prestataire Biomed";
$LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][6]="Type d'Ă©quipement biomed";
$LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][8]="Marquage CE";
$LANG['genericobject']['PluginGenericobjectBiomedical'][9]="Classe Ă©lectrique";

Define behaviours¶

In Plugins > Objects management menu, on Main tab, select :

  • Item in the dustbin

  • Historical

  • Financial and administratives information

  • Documents

  • Global search

  • Assistance

  • Templates

  • Contracts

  • Global search

This will add ready to use fields to your type of object.

Add fields to your type of object¶

In Plugins > Objects management menu, on Fields tab, you can now add fields to Biomedical type of object :

GLPI configuration¶

Define Admin_biomed profile¶

  1. Clone Admin profile

  2. Set following rights in Admin_biomed profile :

    • Administration > Profiles > Admin_biomed > Assets tab > Unselect all

    • Administration > Profiles > Admin_biomed > Assistance tab > Association > Associable items to a ticket > Biomedical

    • Administration > Profiles > Admin_biomed > Management tab > Select all

    • Administration > Profiles > Admin_biomed > Objects management tab > Biomedical > Select all


With these settings, Admin_biomed users only see Biomedical in Assets menu.

Define Biomed entity and authorizations rules¶

  1. Create Biomed entity under Root entity in Administration > Entities

  2. Configure authorizations rules to assign Admin_biomed profile to Biomed entity users.

Start using Generic Object and GLPI¶

As Admin_biomed user, you can create your first object in Assets > Biomedical.

In order to gain time, define values in Setup > Dropdowns > Objects management for new fields.


If you have any questions about using the plugin, please consult our FAQ

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