




Microsoft is gradually removing the TLS 1.0 and 1.1 protocols for all Microsoft 365 applications. In order to keep your collector running, you need to add the Oauth IMAP plugin, which is available in the marketplace.


The Oauth tokens for the collector, retrieved during authentication with Azure by the OauthIMAP plugin, are β€œoffline” tokens that delegate authorisation to a third-party application (GLPI). These tokens provide a renewal code that will be used by the application to renew them automatically without user intervention. You will therefore not be asked to re-authenticate after the 1st authorisation request.

Requirements (on-premise)ΒΆ

GLPI Version

Minimum PHP






This plugin is available without a GLPI-Network subscription. It is also available in Cloud

Supported mail servicesΒΆ

OAuth IMAP support :

Install the pluginΒΆ

  • Go to the marketplace. Download Oauth IMAP and enable it

Install the plugin
  • Open the Azure Portal for your tenant

  • In the search box type registration

  • then select App registrations

add app Entra

Here are the configuration steps including configuration phases on the Entra side.

Register your Entra applicationΒΆ

Create the applicationΒΆ

register app

Add a secretΒΆ

  • In the Certificates and secrets tab

  • Click on Client secrets

  • Then New client secret

add secret
  • Enter a description and then an expiration date

  • A secret value is then generated. Keep this value well because once you have left this page, it will no longer be recoverable

select value secret
  • Return to the Overview tab and copy the following values ​​and the secret seen above


Add API permissionsΒΆ

  • In the API Permissions tab

  • Click on your API (Microsoft Graph in this case)

  • Then select Delegated permission

  • Select :

    • email

    • offline_access

    • openid

    • profile

add api permissions


  • Now go back to your GLPI interface Setup > Application Aouth IMAP and indicate the information collected previously :

setup GLPI
  • Click Add

  • Now in the Oauth authorization tab, click Create an authorization

Oauth Auhorization
  • When you click on Create authorization, you will be redirected to the Microsoft services sign-in page

  • Enter the email address and password of the account that will be used for the collector

  • You will also need to accept the necessary permissions related to the plugin.

app Auhorization
check account


If you have any questions about using the plugin, please consult our FAQ

Creative Commons License