GDPR Tools

Requirements (on-premise)

Version de GLPI

PHP minimum






A basic license (or higher) is required. This plugin is also available from the Cloud.

Installer le plugin

  • Go to the marketplace. Download and install the GDPR Tools plugin.

Installer le plugin

Configure the plugin

  • From Setup > General > GDPR tools

Cleaning up inactive users

There are two possible ways of managing inactive users:

  • Clearing the user’s data

  • Deleting the user

Cleaning up user data

When the plugin is configured in Clean mode, the following actions will be performed:

  • Delete all references to the user from the GLPI history

  • Delete all associated emails

  • Reset all user fields and profiles

  • Move the user to the recycle bin

Delete the user

When the plugin is configured in “Delete” mode, the following actions will be performed:

  • Delete all references to the user from the GLPI history

  • Delete all associated emails

  • Delete the user


Deletion is permanent, the user cannot be recovered

Scope restriction

The automated deletion process can be restricted to the following scopes:

  • All inactive users

  • Inactive users with no current tickets

  • Inactive users without tickets


Automated action

Deletion will take place via a standard GLPI automatic action that can be configured to run as often as you like.

  • Go to Setup > Automatic actions, and select the cleaninactiveuser action then configure it according to your needs.

automatic action


If you have any questions about using the plugin, please consult our FAQ

Licence Creative Commons