Approval by mail

Requirements (on-premise)

Version de GLPI

PHP minimum






standard license (or higher) is required. This plugin is also available from the Cloud.

Installer le plugin

  • Allez sur le marketplace. Téléchargez et installez le plugin ApprovalByMail.

Installer le plugin

Utiliser le plugin

Once activated, there are no specific settings to be made (apart from the notification layout, if you wish, via Setup > Notifications > Notification templates. The template is Tickets validation)

  • In a new ticket, enter the name of the person or group receiving the approval request.

add approbation

An email will be received with the option of Validating or Refusing the request. This contains 3 links (if no changes have been made to the model).

  • The ticket reminder

  • The acceptance link

  • The refusal link

see the email
  • When the form is validated, you are redirected to GLPI with a notification of acceptance:

validation ok
  • If the form is refused, a comment will be requested to validate the refusal:

add text refused
  • It is not possible to reply 2 times to the validation, an error message will be displayed:



If you have any questions about using the plugin, please consult our FAQ

Licence Creative Commons